
XMedicus 2.2.40 er ude med 10 rettelser og forberinger.


0023818: [Versionsudvikling] Registration of patients' gender (benjaminaaen)
0024404: [Fejl] Fix size of Event newspaper boxes (mikkel)
0023957: [Fejl] Changes to print function regarding patient (smp)
0024189: [Email] Check for dublicate UUID in Episode. (smp)
0024234: [Versionsudvikling] Tweak the StockDefaultDialog to at least fit on a FullHD display. (mads)
0023718: [Versionsudvikling] Dialog for registering old vaccinations given to the patient with limited information (mads)
0024241: [Fejl] Stock refill email is not sent when stock reaches zero and refill value is zero. (mads)
0023390: [Email] Ændre ikke betalingsdato ved skift af focus. (benjaminaaen)
0024176: [Email] Fakturaer der ikke er lukket skal ikke kunne sendes (benjaminaaen)
0023904: [Versionsudvikling] Move dispaly of traveldestinations and related info to episode and calc. travel days (benjaminaaen)

XMedicus Systems ApS - Gladsaxevej 363, 2860 Søborg - tlf: 8883 6000 - e-mail: