
XMedicus medical journal appointment module

Appointments in the calendar are easy to handle and intuitive, just like you are used to from MS Outlook. All ressources such as doctors, rooms, beds, appliances, and more. can be displayed in the calendar and times can be reserved for patients or ressources.

The entire day or time can be marked as busy for: surgery, emergency times, access times, phone consultation or types created at your own choice (lunch break for example).
See below for a quick overview of options in Xmedicus appointment module.

  • Fast navigation to available times
  • Open the patientjournal directly from the calenda
  • Automatic information from the NHS register
  • Automatic registration of patient arrival
  • Configure Set treatments to use over and over
  • Colorcode your treatments for faster overview
  • Copy, Cut and Paste data
XMedicus Systems ApS - Gladsaxevej 363, 2860 Søborg, Denmark - Phone: +45 8883 6000 - e-mail: